When do you write? Is it a daily part of your routine or do you only turn to your old friend when you are excited and want to celebrate - or sad and frustrated?
I think what I have come to appreciate is that the journal is the place for it all - it's the friend you can share the darkest thoughts you could never imagine verbalizing - and the one place you want to make sure chronicles your best successes.
In all my journals I've started I notice that it has always been at a time of 'crossroads' - personally or professionally - and yet once I cross the intersection I put it on the shelf and move on down the road. I now realize I have an entire Encyclopedia set of crossroads - there in and of itself is a story...I need to process and come back to this later.
So today I am grateful for:
- People who have a passion for what they do and the ability they have to share their work and help others find their joy - thank you Lesley Hobbs - you are a delight.
- Appreciating my life is a glorious buffet of choices
- My 6 year old nephew Trever who can't wait to teach me to hula hoop.....I know shocking I can't do it at 39 - when I told him the only time I have been able to hoola hoop has been with the Wii...he says with all the authority of a 1st grader. "aunt Debbie that's because it's a video game!"
- Safeway crediting 10% of all purchases to the school of your choices - until 10/15/09 - nice to see companies giving back.
- The late sunshine of fall.
......my wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.
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