Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 11 - Today I am Grateful For.....

How do you mark time? Is it behind or ahead of you? Is it something you go through? Or move toward?

I am very intentional in the words I use in most of my daily life. I make a conscious decision to fill my mind and the space around me with the specific intent for the desired outcome. It is certainly not easy and sometimes like a tape recorder .... you remember what that is right? I have to rewind and put the words in place that work better and are true to the inention I am setting.

So as I have been chronicling that past 11 days of Gratitude I have been puzzling over time and how I feel about it. I've tried to examine it from several angles in different situations - does someone in prison mark the time they've served or the time until they will be released or eligible for parole? Do expectant parents mark time by how far along they are in the pregnancy or by the due date?

Am I looking at this as 89 more days until I reach my 100th day? Or am I looking at this as I have successfully completed this exercise for 11 consecutive days? And how does each of those perceptions of time leave me feeling? One of them has me expectantly waiting to post the next day; the other leaves me feeling like I am serving a sentence.

How do you view time?

Today I am grateful for:
  • My fun friends at book club and the laughter and joy they bring into my life and my home - oh and the food, the wine and the beer aren't bad either!
  • The quiet waking of the day - the gentle trill of the birds outside my window, the brightening light in the sky as the morning begins.
  • The happy lab greeting of Harley every morning with his downward dog stretch towards me (I like to think he believes I am royalty and is bowing his greeting)....sure :)
  • The appreciation I am developing for the difference between meditation and silence - when I meditate it feels like I am on a journey in my mind - there are times when I just want to sit and let me and my mind just be in silence.
  • The unexpected generosity of friends - today you took our breath away. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

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