Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 49 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Farewell is not something we do well. Without the intention I started to say farewell to a friend who is on an adventure to leave her current life and travel around the world.

I went to dinner. I laughed - and it started to hit me - this would be the first 'last time for......." Have you ever had the chance to say adios to someone you love who has had an impact on your life? Did you tell them what they mean to you? Why do we wait too long or until it's too late.

I have been blessed to have a handful of deep friends in my life. The first arrived when I was 4 - she wore purple pajamas and wondered why I was having cinnamon toast with her mom. The second was with a delightful girl named Valley - who helped me navigate my adolescence. Then there was Jocelyn and Wendy - whose gentle wisdom I still draw from each day. Melanie was my first adult friend - these are wonderful thoughts of friendship and waiting for news results on babies....Taylor and Kylie - I hope you still like the yellow room. And then there is Betsy.

This is a friendship that is an absolute blessing and I am inspired and challenged and am accepted in every moment I share with her. Thank you for all the lessons you keep sharing with me.

Today I grateful for........

  • Friends who have flexibility.
  • A husband who is his own advocate.
  • Egg Lemon soup at a Greek Restaurant.
  • Resolution.
  • Amazing friendships. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

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