Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 64 - Today I am Grateful for.....

Home again home again jiggety jig!

Beautiful afternoon with family and purpose.

Today I am grateful for...
  • Bacon and eggs on a weekend morning.
  • Flexibility...and sometimes it is all about the emotion.
  • Terrific conversations with young women.
  • Family visiting from out of town.
  • A terrific way to end the day. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 63 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Ugh - I say I won't do it .... and yet every year I wake up the day after Thanksgiving with an absolute food hangover. I know I am blessed to have such a problem as there are so many who do not - but why do I not use restraint!?

Today I am grateful for.....

  • A beautiful trip back to Seattle over the mountain passes.

  • A wonderful husband who let me sleep on the way home (I never sleep in the car.)

  • Date night.

  • The health and success of a very bright and special young woman.

  • Family. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 62 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Gobble! Gobble! Happy Thanksgiving - how wonderful that my 100 Days of Gratitude runs through this wonderful holiday. I must say that other than my birthday this is my favorite holiday - it's not about things and's about family and friendship and gratitude.

Had a great morning in Wenatchee, WA where I grew up and participated in their version of a Turkey Trot called, "Turkey on the Run." I've never participated in this quite common tradition until this year, and must admit I loved it.

Today I am grateful for.....

  • The wonderful community organizers who worked to put on such a fun event to benefit such a worthy cause.

  • My health - I don't attend to you as much as I should, yet you forgive me and care for me in such a spectacular way.

  • The bills that arrive in my mailbox each month - they represent the roof over our heads, and the many blessings of our lives.

  • My mom's decision to retire at the end of this year....such an example she has been to me of work ethic.

  • The wonderful phone calls from two friends today telling me how grateful they were to know and have me in their life. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 61 - Today I am Grateful For.....

It is such a treat for me to be able to be 'adult friends' with my parents. For all the lessons they have shared with me the greatest gift I have ever received from them is their friendship. It takes work on everyones part to make sure this connection stays strong and is honored within the space of a relationship with my my parents.

Today I am grateful for.....

  • The friendship of my parents.

  • A wonderful 6....almost 7 year old boy who I love so very much.

  • Abby's Pizza (there are somethings I can't find anywhere other than home.)

  • New 'pre-Thanksgiving' traditions inspired by Pat.

  • The confidence people place in me when they need to look good. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 60 - Today I am Grateful For.....

****Technical difficulties while over the Thanksgiving holiday have posts for days 60-63 posting simultaneously****

It's the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and it is truly one of my most favorite times of the year. The smells of fall, and comforting foods and the gentle ease of all my friends as they embrace and enjoy their traditions with their families or with the families they have made as adults.

We drove to my parents house about 2 1/2 hours away today - and while it was a bit wet and dreary - it was still an easy trip with no severe weather and that will lead off my number one.

Today I am grateful for.....

  • Safe passage to visit my parents.

  • Being someone who really enjoys going home for the holidays.

  • Celebrating my dad's birthday today - what a fun way to kick off the visit.

  • A family who supports me and my dreams.

  • A friendship that will forever endure. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 59 - Today I am Grateful For.....

It is amazing how a short week can be so much fun. Today was Monday and Friday! I am so eager for Thanksgiving and family time with my mom and dad, best friend Deanna and her son Trever. Do you ever get so overloaded by everything coming at you you just need time with everyone? It's how I feel - taking a break from technology and connecting with people...what a joy!

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Cheering on a woman who has left one career and considering launching her own business.
  • The diversity of my clients.
  • Lunch!
  • Warm wonderful women who love working with me.
  • A few minutes of quiet before everyone got home! wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 58 - Today I am Grateful For.....

I read an article today about whether or not it is possible to be grateful for being grateful. I believe it is. Sometimes the exercise becomes the lesson - I know it has been for me.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • A woman who sees something in me and wishes to share her success.
  • Family plans that change.
  • Bravery.
  • Best friends.
  • A Monday that is also a Friday! wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 57 - Today I am Grateful For.....

It's been a pretty exciting week topped off by a little washing machine issue that has resulted in the handy hubby making an appearance. I know there have been times in my life where some incident like this would happen and it would almost be like the straw that broke the camel's back - this time we both went - ok, let's deal with it - did a little jockeying and went to work fixing it.

It's nice to be finding such a balance in our lives and choosing how to respond and as I have said previously - most importantly how to "be" when life tosses little gems to us.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • An opportunity to be with myself and my thoughts about the future.
  • My husband who knows when I need a break, and takes me for a car ride.
  • The confidence I see in Pat.
  • A funny greeter at Home Depot who asked me if he could help me find something when I passed him for the third time, and when I replied "My husband." He laughed - which made me laugh and said, "Aisle 12 - they're on sale."
  • The support and encouragement of amazing people in my life. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 56 - Today I am Grateful For.....


What a week?! I am tellin' you I spent so much time this week - focusing on my good work and making sure that the 'things' going on around me were not because I was reacting, but because I was being .... and I have to tell you - it feels ...terrific!

Today I am grateful for.....
  • A beautiful morning to write and appreciate my white space.
  • The bald eagle who followed me on my walk this morning.
  • A rare breakfast at a wonderful locally owned restaurant - we love Christo's on Alki.
  • An amazing compliance department to help me get my work on the radio.
  • The ability to know that the reaction of others - has nothing to do with me. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 55 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Crazy couple of days...where did the moon go?

Today I am grateful for....
  • An early morning with my journal and peppermint tea.
  • Time with my fantastic assistant.
  • An amazing day of networking.
  • Good women who let me know what they can do.
  • An unexpected clear Friday. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 54 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Had a momentary regression to kindergarten today - I felt like Emily had stolen my crayon....a day that I was really looking forward to in a moment changed - I felt deflated and crushed.

In a previous life I would have spent much time wondering what was "wrong" with me.....instead today I listened to 'input' from someone else - heard very clearly that what they were voicing was not about me - and was truly all about them......and then I let it go.

I reflected on how far I have come. Just a couple of years ago I would have spent hours upon days feeling badly and all that comes with that.....

Tonight I vented - I laughed - I am blogging - and tonight I will be done.

Can you do that? What skills or tools have you picked up that allow you to deal with conflict? Do you have a process for releasing it? (I came home and burned sage....get that icky energy off me!)

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Having business wisdom to share with another woman business owner.
  • A warm network of professional women to be with and learn from.
  • Time to make an outline.
  • The skills to recognize what isn't mine.
  • Support of friends. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 53 - Today I am Grateful For.....

What a defining day! An entire culmination of a two year adventure arrived today with me accepting an opportunity to host a radio program - that is on the fast track to syndication!

I am blessed in more ways than I could even have imagined.

Today I am grateful for....
  • The opportunity to realize a life long dream.
  • The support of my husband who says, 'this is what you have always dreamed of...'
  • Working on a presentation with a very talented attorney.
  • A great day.
  • A gift of information about my uncle who was killed in Vietnam. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 52 - Today I am Grateful For.....

I had these fleeting thoughts this weekend of ' how I was going to get all my tasks done' - and then both my significant time commitments today had to reschedule. Yes, I worked from about 7 am until 8 pm - but boy did I get a lot done!

I can now go to bed as soon as I wrap this up and sleep in a bit - still address client needs in the morning and be off to two meetings.

It is such a blessing to do what I do - and have so successfully architect ed this life I am living.

Today I am grateful for....
  • An early rainy fall morning with coffee and my journal....(I know I am grateful for my former nemesis!)
  • The referrals of wonderful clients.
  • The advocacy of clients who are so pleased with a very long term relationship they gladly and regularly refer friends and colleagues.
  • A paper boy who wants to know where he should deliver my paper....when was the last time that happened?
  • The wisdom to evaluate the intentions of people who I have never talked with who want to participate in some of the opportunities that are manifesting. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 51 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Are you looking through your life like it's a cracked windshield?

I ask only because on Friday I had my car's windshield replaced - and it was LONG overdue. The rock chip that spread and became not one, or two, but 3 spider legs across my front windshield didn't bother me anymore - I had learned to drive with them - leaning to the left or right depending on where I needed to go.

When I got in my car Friday afternoon - the big clear windshield became a very clear (pun intended) metaphor for what has been happening in my life.

I have been working on myself for many years, however with such crystal clear precision for slightly more than two years, and as I drove home I marveled at how in my own life I had been leaning to the left and right for so long - and this big clear windshield was now my metaphor for all the possibilities ahead - with no distractions - just unlimited possibilities.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • A quiet morning with my writing.
  • Brunch with some girlfriends.
  • Making progress on reclaiming our garage.
  • Finding the pickles my dad likes on-line in bulk quantities!
  • The deep gratitude of my husband. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 50 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Fifty days of conscious gratitude - I have noticed a shift. Have I shifted or am I attracting those who also live this life of gratitude?

When I started this journey 50 days ago I wondered if I would go from expressing gratitude to living or being in a state of gratitude - always - or at least the majority of time. I find myself doing funny things now in certain circumstances where before I would get frustrated or irritated and now I pause and wonder what's the lesson I am supposed to be learning - and spend time being reflective instead of reactive.

I have read through the 245 expressions of gratitude up to today and am absolutely awed by the abundance of riches in my life - the experiences and the people. Few of these gratitudes have been things and I love knowing where there is such richness in my life has very little to do with "stuff" - this makes my heart fill with joy.

This is National Donor Sabbath - the weekend two weeks before Thanksgiving when those who have been touched by organ donation and transplantation have the opportunity to share within their communities of faith the ultimate act of compassion and generosity. Today I want to open a window of gratitude for organ donation and transplantation.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • The Kime family of Seattle. In February of 2001, twenty year old Kristopher Kime's life was cut short - Kris was a designated organ donor - his decision to be an organ donor saved the life of my dad. 8 years, 8 months and 12 days later I have the opportunity to tell my dad how much I love him and I get to hear his voice on the phone when we talk each day. All because of the generosity of a stranger.
  • LifeCenter Northwest - our regional OPO - the staff and leadership that saves lives every day.
  • Witnessing the transformation of a young girl to a young woman as her life was saved when she received a liver transplant.
  • The people who have registered their wish to donate AND have talked with their family.
  • The opportunity to witness the miracle that is the gift of life.

If you would like to register to be an organ donor, or to get more information - visit this website wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 49 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Farewell is not something we do well. Without the intention I started to say farewell to a friend who is on an adventure to leave her current life and travel around the world.

I went to dinner. I laughed - and it started to hit me - this would be the first 'last time for......." Have you ever had the chance to say adios to someone you love who has had an impact on your life? Did you tell them what they mean to you? Why do we wait too long or until it's too late.

I have been blessed to have a handful of deep friends in my life. The first arrived when I was 4 - she wore purple pajamas and wondered why I was having cinnamon toast with her mom. The second was with a delightful girl named Valley - who helped me navigate my adolescence. Then there was Jocelyn and Wendy - whose gentle wisdom I still draw from each day. Melanie was my first adult friend - these are wonderful thoughts of friendship and waiting for news results on babies....Taylor and Kylie - I hope you still like the yellow room. And then there is Betsy.

This is a friendship that is an absolute blessing and I am inspired and challenged and am accepted in every moment I share with her. Thank you for all the lessons you keep sharing with me.

Today I grateful for........

  • Friends who have flexibility.
  • A husband who is his own advocate.
  • Egg Lemon soup at a Greek Restaurant.
  • Resolution.
  • Amazing friendships. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 48 - Today I am Grateful For.....

One of my favorite quotes from Anthony Robbins is, "When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears."

Until very recently these were simply words or a nice quote - I am now here to tell you it's mighty true.

These past 48 days are certainly a test and will continue to be an exercise in patience for me and while I am not exactly 'anxious' for the learning opportunities. I am definitely trusting the mystery.

Today I am grateful for....
  • A quiet early morning on Alki on a beautiful day where a seal joined Harley and I for a walk for at least 1/2 a mile.
  • A client who tells me, "how much I care" is why she loves working with me.
  • An amazing interview with a wonderful entrepreneur committed to sharing her knowledge and resources with others....thanks Amber.
  • Having a clear vision for our future.
  • The amazing review with a family who have been clients for 12 years....their oldest child now has a 4 year old of their own. We all laughed at how young we were when we met! It will always be my passion to make sure they will get where they need to go with their investments. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 47 - Today I am Grateful For.....

I have been working on myself for more than two years now. It started as 'working on my business'...thanks Bill. Out of that came the realization that the Tony Robins, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy library was trying to send me a message.

In 2006 I intentionally chose to focus on what is working in my life and not what wasn't working. In 2007 I chose to release intensity and live in love. In 2008 I released the need to know (or control) and trust the mystery. And this year in 2009 I acknowledged and let go of my need for perfection and am now ready to step into excellence.

I did not know consciously of these decisions - tactically - it was only tonight after a very wonderful conversation with my spiritual teacher that I recognized and acknowledged how far I have come and how much work I have done to get me here. this what blogging is about...whew....this is big - I think I'll just hop to gratitude and re-visit this later.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Setting an intention to be ready to step into my excellence.
  • Having a great conversation with a client.
  • Being a connector.
  • A good learning opportunity.
  • The thoughtfulness of the wise women in my life. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 46 - Today I am Grateful For.....

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie

I certainly didn't imagine when I started this adventure 46 days ago, that in my quest to have a bookend for the day I would be finding such clarity. What a gift.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • The unexpected gifts that come to me each day.
  • Wonderful email from a former employee who shares how grateful they are at the impact I've had on their life.
  • Integrity in my personal and professional life.
  • Sharing the love I feel for the people in my life - they will always know how much they are loved.
  • People who support me. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 45 - Today I am Grateful For.....

This weekend I heard someone say essentially that many people only pray when it desperation or dire straits - and it reminded me of a quote from my childhood and one of the greatest baseball players EVER...Satchel Paige who said, "Don't pray if it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines."

Gratitude is something that is particularly easy to identify if you are not dealing with challenges and much harder when adversity is prowling around your life. I do know for myself these past 45 days have been an exercise and a true wonder in the journey between 'saying' I am grateful and 'being grateful'.

Today I acknowledged I having been living a life of gratitude for a long, long time. It is no longer necessary for me to search for what this gratitude lifestyle looks like. For me it is in every morning when I get up with my husband and say good morning, it is in the emails my dad and I share every day where he tells me I am the smartest is in the phone call to my mom at the end of her day - and the conversations I have with good friends who remind me that my life is truly a blessing - I am grateful for so many things.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • The rain that comes into my life it gives me time to rest and rejuvenate.
  • The sunshine that comes into my life and gives me warmth and hope for the future.
  • Monday morning emails from my dad with messages such as, "Go for it."
  • Beautiful meetings with genuine and kind women.
  • The courage to speak my mind and help resolve conflict within an organization. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 44 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Albert Schweitzer said, "At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us."

Over the course of the course of the last couple of months I have eluded to some trying times - I commit that after the first of the year I will fully share what is happening - I am just not ready at this moment to share with everyone.

I had the most extraordinary weekend on a retreat with other business owner women - and it just stuck with me driving home that - Schweitzer's quote above really is the example of how life helps me. Each time I feel that someone has hit my 'dimmer switch' - good people come to my life and fan the flame.

How has your flame been kindled?

Today I am grateful for...

  • Finding myself coming out of the tunnel of darkness and into the light.
  • People who support my dreams and fan the flame.
  • A good road trip to give you time to think.
  • A shower that lasts for longer than 4 minutes.
  • A date afternoon with Pat. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 43 - Today I am Grateful For.....

What a weekend in many ways I have been validated -and in more ways I have grown. I really want to share what I have experienced - and yet tonight I need to process what I have experienced and shared. I am grateful for...
  • early morning breakfast with friends.
  • a safe place to work and develop my ideas for myself and the business in 2010.
  • the support of women who want to see me succeed.
  • being in a place to allow the wisdom of my life to come to me.
  • a gentle soul who looked me in the eye. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 42 - Today I am Grateful For.....

It is rare that I have had moments in my life where I have the opportunity to share my experiences personally and professionally with other people outside my immediate circle. Today was one of those days - I spent today revisiting some of my great work with Coach Bill and being grateful that the work I started two years ago still resonates with me today.

I have made new friends and I believe helped some of these friends work on and stretch some 'muscles' they haven't focused on much.

Today I am grateful for...
  • New friends and the space we honor for one another.
  • The willingness to share very personal thoughts.
  • A good walk on the beach with friends to get the morning started.
  • Learning a new game.
  • Good old fashioned belly laughter. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 41 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Have you ever been outside your comfort zone? I am today. I am on my first retreat with a group of women business owners and entrepreneurs - who I know "fairly" well - not really well.

Can I be in a place where I share without fear of judgement how I feel and what I plan for my future?

So today I am grateful for...
  • Personal growth and development.
  • Safety in a circle of women who are here for the same reason.
  • A beautiful ceremony that allowed me to connect with a part of myself I have lost.
  • Beautiful conversations with very interesting women.
  • Unexpected blessings. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 40 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Round numbers always make me happy - maybe it was because I was born in '70 - but numbers that end in 0 are significant. SO today it seems fitting that on 40 days into this adventure I receive some expected news unexpectedly and it colored my day and quite frankly my vision of the rest of this year.

Imagine - if you woke up one morning feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders - and within 30 minutes realized "it" was no longer an issue. Would you feel or be any different? I was...

Today I am grateful for...
  • Unexpected surprises.
  • Repaying gratitude
  • Relieving stress from others.
  • Being a sounding board for friends.
  • Having a cool head to calmly address the future of something I care so much about. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 39 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Hmmm - well it seems that fall is creeping in - with the time change this week - the days are supposed to be longer....yest for our black lab Harley - it's like coming back from a delayed trip to Amsterdam....up much earlier than you need to be and in bed much sooner than would ever be appropriate - unless you are seven.

Today I am grateful for...
  • An absolutely beautiful sunrise this morning.
  • A fall day that just became magical.
  • Harley the lab who loves the colder weather and snuggies up in the early morning in bed.
  • A husband who gets so much done!
  • A client who has definitely become a friend - I love my job.

.... my wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 38 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Always excited at the beginning of a month - I feel there is nothing but possibilities ahead of me! Some people at this point in the year panic because "there's only two months left." I decided last year was to be 'the last year' I lived in a year where time was running out instead of time ahead of me filled with opportunity. I must tell you - this is a pretty nice way to be - no regrets.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Good people who work at my different vendors and believe in my theory of solution solving not problem solving.
  • An amazing 3 1/2 mile walk on the beach this morning on a beautiful fall day.
  • A terrifically talented photographer who captured the absolute essence of my family.
  • Good friends who share much in confidence.
  • Wonderful opportunities to share the passion for my work with many others. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 37 - Today I am Grateful For.....

I love it when people I admire set an intention or goal - share it with the world - and achieve what they desire. Today was that day for me as I virtually watched my sister-in-law Freddi compete in the New York Marathon. It was awesome as I was up when she took off and was able to log - in and watch her little virtual person make tracks. What made it even more fun was I sent a text to my brother-in-law Tim to tell him how cool it was to watch...what I didn't realize was that I would become part of their day - my ability to see on line and text to him and their other friend where she was helped them make sure they knew which mile to be at to cheer her on.

What a tremendous accomplishment for Freddi - she trained for 5 solid months - this was her 2nd marathon (has run numerous other 1/2 marathons and 10 milers) she ran every day - AND gave up drinking for the last 5 months - as Tim said, "who among us since we were 21 can say that?" she had her first adult beverage after the race ... a Guinness - atta girl! She finished in 4 hours and 18 minutes (officially) - Freddi has been an inspiration to me for the 13+ years I have known her - and today probably tops the cake for me.

I may have shared a couple of weeks ago that I suggested I do the Seattle Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon with my friend Betsy Talbot this coming June - and I don't think I've shared with you though that I currently don't all. I haven't run in YEARS - I can walk for sure - but run I do not - watching Freddi, and talking with her today has inspired me to commit to running the 13.1 miles in June. You have to start somewhere - so for me it starts tomorrow - I'll keep you posted on my progress - I know myself well enough to know - we will not be running tomorrow - we'll just get in the groove by walking for now.

Today I am grateful for...

  • Conscious choices to set goals

  • Terrific relationships with my in-laws

  • My sister-in-law being such a healthy and strong woman and role model

  • A beautiful sunset over the Olympic Mountains tonight

  • Seeing the moon come up over the city skyline - on the way back from our walk and watching the sunset. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 37 - Today I am Grateful For.....


Happy Halloween - can't believe as I sit here it is the end of October and we have just two months to wrap up '09. It's also the night we 'fall back' and lose an hour - or gain an hour - depending on if your the glass half full or empty kind of person!

Today I am grateful for...

  • The kind of lazy Saturday I don't often give myself.
  • A long walk and good conversation with Pat.
  • Little goblins in cute costumes.
  • Pumpkins carved by us and a friend to greet - previous mentioned goblins.
  • Leftover little candy bars. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 36 - Today I am Grateful For.....

I spend much time thinking about where I want to spend my 'free' time - what community causes I am passionate about and want to support. A few years ago I met an organization in Auburn called Griefworks after several of my clients had shared the amazing assistance they provided after the death of a spouse or family member.

Two years later I am pleased to share I serve on their board and have nothing but the best things to say about the board with whom I serve - an amazing group of people committed to the work of the organization in the south sound area - a founder with a kind heart and amazing skill. And the unbelievable work of one of the most lovely human beings I have ever met - our executive director.

Today we had our fundraising breakfast - what tremendous support by the community - and had a wonderful key-note speaker in local sports caster Tony Ventrella - who shared with great insight how grief and death are things to not be feared.

Today I am grateful for...
  • An early morning community event that helps remind me of the good of kind hearted people.
  • A funny friend who was just getting up when I was leaving the fundraising breakfast.
  • The safety a friend felt today as she just needed a safe place to land.
  • Everyday blessings.
  • White space on my calendar. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 35 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Many things to do today and tomorrow - have lots of thoughts to share over the weekend - tonight though because I have a fundraising breakfast at 6am I will keep this brief...

So today I am grateful for...
  • A good early morning conversation with my brother-in-law - family is fantastic.
  • Gently reminding the hummingbirds in my life they have a safe place to land - right outside my window when life seems too busy.
  • A good visit with a sad friend.
  • All the fun people who love my crazy posts on facebook.
  • A sister-in-law who respects confidences shared. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 34 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Today I had great client meetings and a lovely lunch with a friend who asked me so many insightful questions ... what was your greatest challenge in '09 personally/professionally? What was your greatest accomplishment personally/professionally in '09? What are you most focused on for '10?

This conversation got me to thinking about many things I have to be grateful for today.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Becoming clear in my professional messaging.
  • Being able to make the hard decisions to head my business in the best direction for my clients.
  • Having choices to make about professional development.
  • Being a good neighbor - and a safe place to land for a young girl who was scared.
  • Bald eagles sheparding me across 520 - both directions today. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 34 - Today I am Grateful For.....

How do you free up space on your calendar?

I found and myself with a conference call I had really been looking forward to - and a meeting that was going to cram right into the back end of it and make me feel like I was I called that 2nd meeting - and explained why I would hope we could reschedule - guess what ... he said, "I understand and quite frankly...I am relieved. I too could use a little extra time today." So it just reminded me how over scheduled many of us are and that sometimes it is good to let go of your guilt and ask for what you want...someone you have great respect for may be grateful too.

Today I am grateful for...
  • Asking for some of what I want.
  • Recognizing that my ideas are ahead of many of my industry colleagues.
  • The confidences of friends.
  • The Great Pumpkin.
  • The persistence of people who recognize when I don't get back with them right away! wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 34 - Today I am Grateful For.....

So the first 20+ days kinda flew by - now I feel like I am stuck in a Groundhog Day like existence where I wonder if what I am saying today is what I said yesterday... I guess I'm counting on you to let me know!

I learned many things today - and wonder where this might fit for you.

Today I am grateful for ...
  • The power of positive thinking.
  • The generosity of amazing photographers who offer raffle prizes for local organizations...thanks Julian Michael...GO SOX! (Can't wait to see the end result.)
  • The candor of local leaders and their willingness to listen to the thoughtfulness of their support.
  • Friends who clearly communicate.
  • The little surprises in life.

..... my wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 33 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Loving a beautiful Sunday with my parents and Pat. We laughed and ran errands and had an amazing meal.

I wish I was closer - or they were!

Today I am grateful for.....
  • A snuggy morning with the husband and black lab.
  • A home that has no more access to the roof from it's little rodent friends.
  • A rare walk with my mom.
  • The World Series starts ... Finally
  • A delightful dinner. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve,

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day 32 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Spent the whole day cleaning up the casa getting ready for a visit from the parents and some good friends. What a wonderful evening of laughter and friendship.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • A husband who is such a hard worker.
  • Finding the 'perfect' last addition to WWHQ.
  • Time to visit with my mom.
  • A hug from my dad.
  • Laughter with friends. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 30 and 31 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Yep I did it...I missed a day. I'll tell you I got all the way in bed last night and thought, "crap - I didn't write about gratitude..." I struggled for a minute - started to get up and was so exhausted I lay back down - sent a message to the universe and apologized - identified the 5 things I was grateful for and promptly fell asleep.

A long day and week will do that to a girl. So how did I feel today? Well, I felt a little guilty - but was proud I didn't beat myself up. I gave myself permission to not make a post - hmmm - when was the last time you gave yourself permission to 'not' do something? I'll admit, it felt pretty good.

I don't intend to start skipping around, after all I made commitment - but I also believe this is part of my experience with this....learning my own boundaries.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Unbelievable support.
  • Relating to people and their circumstances.
  • Seeing hummingbirds at other peoples homes....thanks for coming along guys.
  • Wine on Friday with Pat and an amazing sunset.
  • Orange tulips on my table tonight.

my wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 29 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Super busy and long day - nearly midnight so I will keep this brief.....don't know why I feel necessary to provide commentary here - if this was my paper journal - just gratitude.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Heartfelt apologies.
  • Strong women trailblazers.
  • Good reputations that provide good results.
  • People with a thirst for knowledge.
  • Compliments. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 28 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Today was an adventure so I will keep it short. Today I am grateful for....
  • The wisdom of good counsel.
  • Misty fall mornings.
  • Cobwebs with dew.
  • A chance to work with a great attorney on a presentation.
  • A glass of wine with good friends. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 27 - Today I am Grateful For.....

I have moments where my work touches me to the bottom of my toes - tonight I had one of those moments.

A little more than a year and a half ago I spoke at a women's financial education seminar with a great group of women - 3 or 4 months later I received a call from a fellow who served on a board of a local non-profit who had questions about the personal financial strategy and how to address an impending layoff.

As I met with them and listened to their story - it seemed that this couple would definitely need to make some significant commitments to changing their financial situation.

Over the course of several meetings we identified the opportunities for what they would need to do to to improve their current situation and have them heading in a direction that would provide significant peace of mind and re-structure their financial foundation.

I just had my one year meeting with them tonight - guess what they've been up to this year? They are completely out of debt - pay cash for everything - run a positive cash flow of $1,200/month - just recently did $10,000 worth of home improvements and paid cash - they sleep fitfully at night - and the portfolio we have built for them is sitting in a good place and heading in the right direction.

The relief I saw in their eyes tonight was overwhelming and I was so proud of their commitment to each other and their future.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • The commitment of people to change their situation.
  • The heartfelt gratitude when people have truly been touched.
  • The courage of a friend to say she wanted to do a 1/2 marathon next summer and allowing me to run along.....what am I thinking?
  • The support of good friends.
  • Referrals from dear, wonderful clients. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 27 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Gratitude can certainly feel elusive some days eh?

I keep trying to think as I go through this that there are lessons I need to learn about gratitude - and so I sit here for a long time some nights before I find some answers.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Conflict - it teaches me how to problem solve without becoming upset.
  • Dog parks and the joy we find out with Harley on a beautiful day.
  • Pre-made meatloaf - it really does taste better than I have ever made.
  • Thin pancakes with Trever.
  • Pat, who I will love for all eternity. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 26 - Today I am Grateful For.....

I have a friend who is in the middle of a vision quest this weekend. I find myself slightly distracted as I think of her out on her own since Friday, no food, no water and no sleep until Monday when her support team goes back to where they dropped her off and begins a search to find her.

The people in her life supporting her have agreed to focus their energy on her and her journey - each having a bit of a task. I decided my task would be warmth - especially in the night. (I am notorious for being a hot sleeper - and Pat and I often joke I could be one of those people to spontaneously combust in my sleep.)

So I have focused my attention her way and have concentrated on one thing - it's made me feel better to have a specific purpose while she is gone. Instead of worrying about how she'll stay warm, and where she will spend her days and nights (a friend of mine says, "worrying is just sending little prayers for what you don't want out into the universe) I am focusing on a positive outcome I desire for her.

It has me thinking how easy it is to become distracted in life on all the things we don't want - and has me asking myself where I can focus my thoughts and energy in my life and the lives of those closest to me on the one or two things we truly desire.

What are you focusing on?

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Doggy play dates with incredibly gracious friends - who definitely know how to make you feel welcome.
  • A good visit with my best friend Deanna and her son Trever.
  • The love of my dad and mom.
  • Reconnecting with extended family after much too long.
  • My fun new business cards that came today - one for networking one for clients. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 25 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Twenty-five days ago I wondered if I could go from saying I was grateful to having gratitude become a state of being. I don't know if I am there yet - and perhaps I come to conclusion in 75 day that there is no destination and it is the journey of gratitude that will become a lifelong commitment.

I will say though this exercise each night becomes a bit more comfortable - I thought a few days ago that it was easier and that doesn't accurately describe my progression. I am finding now that investing in myself with this activity is likely going to be one of my best accomplishments this year.

Today I am grateful for .....
  • Having been able to attend a Publici-Tea Express workship with Nancy Juetten where I met some fabulous business people desiring to have more success with greater ease.
  • Lunch with my good friend Betsy Talbot who I talk with frequently but I don't get to see one on one as much as I would like - thank you for the conversation and friendship.
  • The nice server/bartender at McCormich and Schmick's Harborside who paid for our parking.
  • My first flu shot - ever - being a bit more sensitive this year as it seems like so many peeps are getting the flu already - and I don't want to end up sick and have to skip time with family as we near the holidays.
  • My right as a citizen of this country and as a woman to vote in this election. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 24 - Today I am Grateful For.....

So today my good friend Jeni Dahn spoke at an eWomen meeting about the choices we make in life and how we face our day - with fear or faith?

She started by asking how many of us close our day with Gratitude - journaling or statements out loud (yes, I raised my hand - along with about 1/3 of the room) - then she asked, "what if you started your day with gratitude for the unknown.....for what the day will bring? Hmmm - well now - here's a twist - in some ways to me it sounds like setting an intention.....yes? I am grateful for the friendships that will blossom - setting the intention for good encounters for the day, yes?

Now this has gotten me to think - is this something I can incorporate into the future - not yet - but after my hundred days - is this the next exercise I can incorporate into my life and routine.

What about you? Could you start your day journaling about gratitude you are ready to give - for meals you will eat, the people you will meet, the opportunities that will present themselves.....

So tonight's gratitude will be about what I am grateful for tomorrow.....

Tomorrow I am grateful for.....
  • The contacts I will make at my workshop tomorrow that will be appreciated by my clients.
  • The generosity of a good friend.
  • A long walk on the beach with my husband and best friend.
  • My mom saying she can be here in two weeks to sit for a family portrait that is too long over due!
  • A yummy pork roast in the slow cooker. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 23 - Today I am Grateful For.....

After a tremendously wonderful and long day I am going to talk about the easy stuff.... today I am grateful for.....
  • The unexpected generosity of a friend.
  • The family atmosphere at Chace's Pancake Corral love the Vic's special
  • The beautiful and dynamic changes in the weather today
  • A fantastic meeting with a young couple who really has it all working together!
  • Elvis wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 22 - Today I am Grateful For.....

So one fifth of the way into our adventure - and I am finding this quite interesting - how I feel about the book-ends of my day as I call this process.

I have fallen a bit with my early routine - I think perhaps because I know I have this such public commitment to fulfill at night.

So my question for you tonight is if you don't act angry does that mean you never are?

Sometime ago I made the decision to not swing with my emotions from one extreme to the other and I find myself living in a much healthier place for me and my family. There was definitely a time that you would know all emotions all the time! So does that mean I don't get upset, angry or frustrated - not all - I just consciously decide how I will be with those feelings. It is definitely a stretch some days - and I don't want to sound too 'zen' - but it sure is amazing how I am in my life.

When I think of all the hours I have lost in my life being in a negative place I am so thrilled I heard this message and have recaptured so many hours in my life going forward. today I am grateful for......
  1. Making conscious choices in how I appear in my own life and the lives of others every day.
  2. The growth that has allowed me to have a stronger presence in my own life.
  3. The people in my life who shared some of their journey to allow me to learn how to be a better me.
  4. The great ability to appreciate the quality of time in my life and with those I love.
  5. A sleepless night that allowed me to dream. my wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 21 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Today is a collaborative guest post with Pat who is becoming fascinated with this adventure. (I knew it was only a matter of time before he started wanting to contribute - hee hee).

Today we are grateful for.....
  • All the fall pumpkins around the house.
  • The little bat lights decorating the mirror in our home.
  • Baked squash with oven roasted chicken.....a sure sign of fall.
  • The coziness of our bed this morning with the big lovable lab and the furry black kitty while the outside temperature was below 40.
  • Two really good friends.

.....our wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 20 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Twenty days.....I can't remember ever having kept a 'new' commitment like this one - 20 days in a row - in many ways it seems to have flown by - in many ways I look forward to it each day. What have you recently committed to and stuck with? Did it go by quickly or not?

I find it interesting that something I have dreaded and fought so long - go back to the beginning posts - I am now finding great peace and comfort. How much easier would many things be if I did not fight them - and just went along and did them and appreciated the lessons they provide.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Acceptance - this is a big one for me - and there is a tremendous difference between acceptance and resignation.
  • Warm big dogs who come and hop into bed around 3 am because they are a little chilly themselves - no one needs an electric blanket if they have one of these four footed friends.
  • Good conversations with mom - one of my favorite Sunday routines since I moved out and went to college - coffee and mom on a Sunday morning.
  • Roasted and braised meat - nothing tastes much better in the fall.
  • A big freezer full of food - when so many have so little I am grateful to have been blessed with so much. my wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 19 - Today I am Grateful For.....

So yesterday my friend Betsy Talbot made a post on her blog about an exercise she learned from Chris Haddad called the I Like Who I Am Game.

The game has you taking a big ol' sheet of clean paper or a big ol' blank computer screen and write until it becomes uncomfortable all the things you like about yourself.....written in the third person. Betsy has all the details on her blog - you should check it out - and Chris has a video as well.

It got me to thinking about somethings people might say about me in their gratitude journal- so while I only have 5 things a day I speak of being grateful for - I thought this might be interesting - let's see how it turns out.

Today I am grateful Debbie.....
  • Always greets me with a smile.
  • Listens when I talk and hears what I am saying - listening and hearing are two very different actions.
  • Looks to offer solutions to sticking points in my life when I ask for them.
  • Will take time out of her day to help me if I ask for assistance.
  • Takes anything I share in confidence and keeps it to herself. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 18 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Some of you might know that I am an incredibly private person.....I know there is so much irony in this opening statement.....for God's sake I am blogging about gratitude and essentially taking my 'diary' public. Anyhow with that being said, for most of my adult years (39+) I have chosen to take the British side of my family to heart.....stiff upper lip and all.

Maybe that came from a long ago experience where I shared some very personal information with folks I thought were friends - and it turned out they weren't and the information reared it's ugly head in a way I had not anticipated. Has that ever happened to you? How did you react?

A couple of years ago I met a woman who I have become tremendous friends with and she helped me realize the time to build my network was when I didn't need it - and to build a network that doesn't look much like me. (For example while I am not a corporate type..... if I was and my entire network was made of people from the same company who did the same or similar things what would I do if I was given the pink slip.....where would I go to look for new opportunities - a pretty easy trap to fall into right)? She helped me understand that sharing vulnerability actually helps increase other people's ability to relate. These lessons are serving me well these days.

So today I am grateful for.....

  • The ability to recognize that vulnerability makes me stronger.

  • People continue to surprise me....remember post 12 where I talked about pragmatism? Earlier today I had coffee with a friend and shared a bit about where we are - and appreciated the wisdom she shared in the moment. Tonight when I got back from a walk with hubby and hound she had called to say that she and her husband had been chatting a bit about us and had some ideas to share.....the fact that this incredibly busy successful woman would have us as the topic of conversation at the end of her day and then would reach out to share ideas is amazing. And it got me to wondering when was the last time I spent time thinking about someone else's situation (this is fairly frequently) and called to tell them.....when was the last time you shared that with someone?

  • A good reminder that even after an initial offer is extended and initially can still be accepted - thanks for the reminder.

  • The clarity that there are four layers of depth to the Olympic Mountains at sunset in the fall.

  • One of the best conversations with Pat about outlook and attitude - 15 years later I love to be awed by the thoughts you rarely share. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 17 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Today was a gentle and beautiful day with much to be thankful for. Given the length of last night's post - let's make tonight a bit shorter....

So today I am grateful for.....
  • A morning to organize and prepare for my clients.
  • The tremendous commitment that the people of Auburn, WA have for one another.
  • Clients who became friends.
  • Folks who check in every day and make sure we are doing great!
  • Love.....most of us hope to find it once.....what about people who found it in their youth.....went their seperate ways and found one another as adults. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 16 - Today I am Grateful For.....

So a friend sent me one of 'those' emails that he never sends - and I never read - and yet there was a good reason he sent this one. (I think he's reading the blog).

It talked about the Charles Schulz (creator of Peanuts) Philosophy of life. It started by asking you to take a quiz of the 5 wealthiest people in the world, the last 5 Heisman Trophy Winners, the last 5 Miss America's, 10 Winners of the Nobel Prize (that might be a bit easier as we're hearing about it every day in the news.....or maybe it's just me because I listen to NPR all day), who won the last 5 world series (I know I have a GO SOX! in there somewhere - however specifically can't tell you).

I'll admit I had a hard time with all these. Then it asked you to name 3 teachers who aided the journey through school (Mrs. Leach - Grant Elementary 1st Grade, Mr. Carr - EJH Band, Mrs. Schreck - EHS Drama). 3 friends who helped you through a hard time (Deanna, Jocelyn and Betsy). 5 people you enjoy spending time with, people who have taught you something're getting the idea right?

So the lesson according to the email is what most of us already know but need to be reminded of from time to time - fame, fortune and the biggest trophy case does not make the most influential person in our life. Those spots are reserved for those who care the most. today I am grateful for five people who are no longer here but left lessons for me to take and use in my every day life.....
  • Irma Greenfield - my grandma - mom's mom - she and my mom were the picture of friendship and love between mother and daughter in adulthood.....this was the first death I experienced in my life.
  • Linda Nikolas - mother of my best friend Deanna - and the most curious adult I had ever met. She knew everyone, and introduced me to the idea that your home could be a home to everyone, and that a good belly laugh just can't be beat.....oh, and that you can't possibly know you don't like it if you can't try it.
  • Steve Nikolas - father to my best friend Deanna - the only thing that comes to my mind when I think of Steve is the gentle giant - such an imposing man physically, so tall and with those dark eye brows - with a rare but rewarding smile - when I think of friendship between fellas it is the quality of the friendship he and my dad shared that makes me desire that once in a lifetime experience for all the men in my life.
  • Bill Greenfield - my grandpa - mom's dad - he was the "putterer" he taught me about salesmanship, customer service and perpetual curiosity. (If you ever want a tremendous laugh ask me sometime about his philosophy regarding WD40 - or how he 'helped' my dad clean the lawn mower.
  • My Auntie Ann - my mom's older sister - she and I always had a special bond and her laughter was so infectious - shortly before she died I was scheduled to leave the country on a business trip - and I knew in my heart she would not be here when I returned. I was reluctant to see her so sick and so near the end of her life, and was so afraid I would just cry when I saw her.....and you know what happened - when I went to visit her, neither of us shed a tear - we just talked for hours and laughed. And when I hugged her at the end of our visit I felt peace - and I will always be grateful for the lesson I learned that day about grace and dignity.

So while none of these folks had credentials behind their name, and had no national honors or recognitions under their belt they left an impression on me -and I know many others -that will never be forgotten.

So on those days, where you wonder 'who's paying attention to me' - know there are more than you know - and that in your own way you touch the lives of others every time you walk into a room, smile at another person, or just say hello. And that friendship, community, puttering and grace are the things that life is made of, and that's what I'd like to be remembered 'bout you? my wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 15 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Mmmm what a good day. You never know where a day will take you. There have been many times where I wanted to try and control the direction of the day.....and yet over the last several months I have learned that the day will go where you need to be taken and it is much more pleasant to ride the wave than try to fight it.

How much of your day do you fight and how much of it do you let take where you need to go?

So today I am grateful for.....
  • A peaceful morning to do what I needed to do - on my terms - not someone else's.
  • Spacial is always good to know your surroundings..i.e. bed posts.....sometimes my spacial reasoning not so today!
  • Opportunities that present themselves.....when I don't know why.....I have learned to say thank you and work out the details later.
  • For attending and event a year ago and hearing the message about my personal time and saying no which really means saying yes to me.
  • Karen Rosenzweig - who knows so much of what happens in the business community here in the PNW and works every day to connect and display people as experts and people who are 'gettin' it done.' She gave me the greatest compliment today about this little 15 day blogging adventure.....and she has two blogs Life Is A Buffet, and Seattle Women Business Examiner and gets paid for it! Thanks Incredible my wish for you and those you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 14 - Today I am Grateful For.....

There are certain days you always know you will remember, dates and events that will forever be etched in your soul. Today was one of those days for me.

So today I am grateful for.....
  • Full moons in the fall - this means for me the transition from one season to another and perhaps from one place in my life to another.
  • New beginnings - often times we get stuck in what is familiar and forget to see the opportunities that present themselves with change.
  • The ability to consciously choose how I show up every day.
  • The beautiful eagle who greeted me on my walk this morning.
  • The sunrise that I enjoyed this morning with my lovely hummingbird friends. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day 13 - Today I am Grateful For.....

"'ll have bad times....but they'll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to." Good Will Hunting (Can you tell I've been catching up on some of my favorite movies.

Today I am grateful for....
  • Dog parks to take Harley to for a run and a swim and more swimming.
  • My freakishly tall rose bush (it's over 5 feet tall) that isn't ready for summer to end.....still sending out buds.
  • Lazy Sundays with and long walks.
  • Friends calling and leaving messages about how much they appreciated some time with you from several months ago.....and something about today reminded them about that experience.
  • 61st birthdays of really fun guys.....Happy Birthday Ken. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 12 - Today I am Grateful For.....

My favorite line from one of my favorite movies, Pretty Woman (remember I am a chick), is when Richard Gere says to Julia Roberts "it's just that uh people rarely surprise me." And she replies, "Yeah, well you're lucky. Most of 'em shock the hell out of me." (Thanks Laurie for reminding me it's the scene about flossing!)

For years I lived as a bit of a cynic, which is defined as someone who believes all people are motivated by selfishness, or a person whose outlook is scornfully and often habitually negative. And in truth - it's not how I felt on the inside - but somehow in that time in my life it was 'en vogue'. The next phase was pragmatist which is a practical, matter of fact way of approaching or assessing situations or of solving problems. Which as I worked through that phase was still relatively colored with cynicism - but I felt like I was on a better path.

So where am I now? I have found my tribe. I know that pragmatism if executed correctly is actually practical optimism - and if I reflect on the Pretty Woman line where it is obvious she is setting the expectation that people will never live up to her expectation. I am reminded of something my good friend and coach Bill Pavelich said, "People will be exactly as you expect them to be."

What if we could condition ourselves to live every day exactly as we expected it to be, instead of dreading the pieces we didn't desire. How would our lives be different?

So, today I am grateful for.....

  • Homemade lasagna by my friend Darlin Gray....if I wasn't married.....I'd marry you just for the food...I really am a simple creature.
  • Lazy fall Saturdays.....boy I do love college football.
  • Family....because at the end of the's the most important thing we have .... remember family can include the one you've made for yourself.
  • The gentle wisdom of my mom who reminded me that not everyone has a filter on their 'care-o-meter" - my interpretation is that sometimes care can appear as turrets syndrome.....inappropriate exclamations of worry that come out as condemnation. Thank you mom for making sure I have a filter.
  • People who deal with great loss and stand proudly in the space that is who they were and are in the same breath. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 11 - Today I am Grateful For.....

How do you mark time? Is it behind or ahead of you? Is it something you go through? Or move toward?

I am very intentional in the words I use in most of my daily life. I make a conscious decision to fill my mind and the space around me with the specific intent for the desired outcome. It is certainly not easy and sometimes like a tape recorder .... you remember what that is right? I have to rewind and put the words in place that work better and are true to the inention I am setting.

So as I have been chronicling that past 11 days of Gratitude I have been puzzling over time and how I feel about it. I've tried to examine it from several angles in different situations - does someone in prison mark the time they've served or the time until they will be released or eligible for parole? Do expectant parents mark time by how far along they are in the pregnancy or by the due date?

Am I looking at this as 89 more days until I reach my 100th day? Or am I looking at this as I have successfully completed this exercise for 11 consecutive days? And how does each of those perceptions of time leave me feeling? One of them has me expectantly waiting to post the next day; the other leaves me feeling like I am serving a sentence.

How do you view time?

Today I am grateful for:
  • My fun friends at book club and the laughter and joy they bring into my life and my home - oh and the food, the wine and the beer aren't bad either!
  • The quiet waking of the day - the gentle trill of the birds outside my window, the brightening light in the sky as the morning begins.
  • The happy lab greeting of Harley every morning with his downward dog stretch towards me (I like to think he believes I am royalty and is bowing his greeting)....sure :)
  • The appreciation I am developing for the difference between meditation and silence - when I meditate it feels like I am on a journey in my mind - there are times when I just want to sit and let me and my mind just be in silence.
  • The unexpected generosity of friends - today you took our breath away. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 10 - Today I am Grateful For.....

So I am one tenth of the way there - nothing to report yet in the being department of gratitude so stay tuned.

Today I am grateful for:

  • Essential oils that uplift me

  • A nice selection of wine in the 'cellar' aka the scary room

  • A network that supports me

  • Renee Iverson Skin Therapy and her fabulous selection of skin care products that are bringing relief to Pat

  • Braised Brisket in Porter wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 9 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.

I came across this quote in my travels and it has had me thinking about how we don't always ask for the growth, want the change or feel prepared to step from what is very familiar to completely foreign - and while frightening - it can begin to feel as you continue down a new path that while initially you feel unprepared, in many ways you always have been preparing. That every experience up until a particular defining moment - has been preparing you. And while many adventures in life leave us feeling like it is 'all out of our control' - the reality is there are many components that we can control - and the big one is how we choose to be in the moment.

It isn't about reacting it is about being.

So today I am grateful for.........

  • Conscious choices
  • People who show who they really are
  • A friend who calls because I'm on their mind
  • Friends who solution solve not problem solve
  • The ability to accept that some things are meant to kick my butt - and that's just what is meant to be. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 8 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Is it just me or does anyone else find the irony of the universe interesting? I mean, how many of us have had those moments when we put our fork in the sand and claim something for our own...and then WHAM up alongside the head we feel this great big energetic hand, catch our attention and say, "'d like to see if it gets...(bigger, more challenging, etc)

So you might have guessed today was the day of which I speak above - I'll be real candid and say it will be a bit before I am ready to fully discuss the implications and magnitude of today - I just want to check in though and ask a question. When the big hand of the Universe whaps you upside the will you react? Will it be with patterns and behaviors that don't serve you or those you love well? Or will it be a chance to flex the muscle of intellect and gratitude in the face of adversity? I'm gonna go with the latter and add a little bit of chicken :) for tonight's post - I have to admit the finding the good in the bad isn't gonna work for me tonight - so I am going into what I consider the sure things...nothing earth shattering tonight and no nods for a Nobel Prize - however am keeping my committment to myself and to you.

So, today I am grateful for:
  • Hankies - these lovely little delicate pieces of cloth that remind me that being sentimental and emotional should be a statement - not something to apologize for and "wish you had a tissue".
  • Big soft socks that keep our transitioning feet toasty warm as the weather drops 40 degrees over the last week.
  • Friends who share and trust you with their most precious personal information - what an honor.
  • Kitty cats with 5 toes you warm the hearts and hearths of those of us fortunate to know you.
  • The cruddy weather this afternoon that mirrored my mood - the lightening and thunder and rain was exactly what I was trying to say but couldn't get out. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 7 - Today I am Grateful For.....

So it's been 7 days - frankly I've had some moments where I have sat here at night and thought...."if I don't do this tonight no one will notice." Accountability - verbalizing to others is significant. I believe in keeping most things private, however I have often wondered what it would look like if I was brave and in essence asked for help by making a statement an intention if you will - and prepared myself for the assistance that would be offered...interesting...very interesting.
So, today I am grateful for:
  1. A sleepless night that had me awake for a most beautiful sunrise.
  2. The commitment of women I know to address adversity by identifying opportunity and bring others along.
  3. The willingness of a young woman to seek counsel in developing her businessand building her board of direction. I am looking forward to watching your success Sara Shelton of Seattle Aging Solutions
  4. The return of my kitty cat to his place on the back of my chair on his blanky now that it is below 50 degress.
  5. To learn I am an inspiration to others. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 6 - Today I am Grateful For.....

So today is my parent's 40th wedding anniversary. And in true practical Ray and Kay fashion - he golfed in a memorial golf tourney he has participated in every year since his friend died and she worked because it was month end and somehow she ends up with extra days off...her words to him on the way out the door this morning at 5 am, "Be home by 3:30 (she's off at 2:30) - that's when we got married 40 years ago."

If you don't know me - or as you do get to know me you will know that my parent's are so much to me - most importantly they are friends to me - and when I introduced them to Pat in 1994 - him too.

So today I am grateful for:

  1. Mom and dad who are celebrating their anniversary today.

  2. Living this one great love I have been given - thank you Pat.

  3. Friends who show unexpected appreciation when you do no less than they would.

  4. The lovely walkway on Alki where I can enjoy a beautiful fall afternoon and walk with husband and hound.

  5. John Muir and what he did to identify, preserve and protect what I love as Yosemite National Park - thank you Mr. Muir for listening to the spirits who counted on you to tell their story. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 5 - Today I am Grateful For.....

So I think fall is arriving and I spent most of the day nesting - cleaning and getting it all together - everything is fresh and washed, dusted, cleaned and shined - it sure smells good in here.

So, today I am grateful for....

  1. My husband who is so good at doing the BIG yard work - especially mowing the really big and unfriendly back yard.

  2. Fall, it means I am able to catch up on neglected chores.

  3. Sisters - in - law : none of us had any idea what the future of extended family woulde be - I am grateful for the "line" I got in.

  4. The happiness in my dad's voice when he leaves me a message.

  5. The chance to sleep in ....just a bit this morning. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 4 - I am Grateful For.....

So in an effort for this to be real...I'll just let you know out of the gate tonight - today was a STINKER!

However that still doesn't mean I don't have much to be grateful for - and after all - that's part of what this entire exercise is all about.

So today I am grateful for:

  1. Mom and dad who raised me with an amazing moral compass.

  2. My sense of intuition - though I wish there was a translation service that came with it.

  3. In all situations I stay the course of what I know is right - even when it's not easy.

  4. My ability to be disappointed with people who I have long thought were friends and others who are willing to sacrifice everyone else in order to protect themselves and to understand that it's not about me - it is from their own place of fear and scarcity that they are acting.

  5. My husband who gently reminds me that I am going to be ok

Hours of journaling ahead - just on this day alone! wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 3 - I Am Grateful For.......

So have you ever looked at your journal....I mean really looked at it?

When do you write? Is it a daily part of your routine or do you only turn to your old friend when you are excited and want to celebrate - or sad and frustrated?

I think what I have come to appreciate is that the journal is the place for it all - it's the friend you can share the darkest thoughts you could never imagine verbalizing - and the one place you want to make sure chronicles your best successes.

In all my journals I've started I notice that it has always been at a time of 'crossroads' - personally or professionally - and yet once I cross the intersection I put it on the shelf and move on down the road. I now realize I have an entire Encyclopedia set of crossroads - there in and of itself is a story...I need to process and come back to this later.

So today I am grateful for:

  1. People who have a passion for what they do and the ability they have to share their work and help others find their joy - thank you Lesley Hobbs - you are a delight.

  2. Appreciating my life is a glorious buffet of choices

  3. My 6 year old nephew Trever who can't wait to teach me to hula hoop.....I know shocking I can't do it at 39 - when I told him the only time I have been able to hoola hoop has been with the Wii...he says with all the authority of a 1st grader. "aunt Debbie that's because it's a video game!"

  4. Safeway crediting 10% of all purchases to the school of your choices - until 10/15/09 - nice to see companies giving back.

  5. The late sunshine of fall. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 2 - I am Grateful For....

So I wonder sometimes if 'red car syndrome' happens when you set intentions? I notice more of what I have and more of what I - still pretty comfortable with identifying what I am grateful for today.
  1. My network of friends who have taught me that showing my vulnerability is a way to become stronger.
  2. Technology that allowed me to watch Tony Robbins give an amazing keynote address at a Twitter conference in LA - such gems I took away.
  3. My friend Betsy Talbot who is teaching me how being 'authentic' (the only person I know who really IS authentic) - is something you can be not just say...Betsy knows her voice.
  4. To be the kind of business owner who can address a potential customer's frustration in their dealing with 'the competition' - and have them laughing and earn the opportunity for an initial meeting.
  5. That our friend - not yet 40 is home recovering from a double masectomy and recontstructive surgery in the same procedure.....when I need strength I have always thought of you.

Tomorrow I want to spend some time talking about how we all use our journals. wish for you and all who you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 1 - Today I am Grateful For.....

So again a good emberassment of riches - my niece said as a little girl "mom, there are too many fun things to do....." tonight I feel like there is SO much to be grateful do I choose? (Remind me of this in two nights when I'll be grateful I don't have a cold!)

  1. Hummingbirds who remind me to pause and hover over the beautiful moments in my life.

  2. The longest friendship of my life which began over cinnamon toast in 1974.

  3. The gentle purring of my 15 year old cat.

  4. Egg frittata at world wide headquarters during the week.

  5. Dinner plate wrapped and warming for me when I get home from a workshop at 10 o'clock tonight.

Now, what have I been so worried about... this is going to work out just great!

What are you grateful for today?

100 Days of Gratitude

So here I sit on the first day of Fall - thinking of all the great things that have been happening this year.

I have had a loooooooong hate/hate relationship with my nemesis Journaling and am finding it simply wonderful that we are becoming allies....who'd of thought.....right Bill? While I still have much work to do - I am finding it less of a struggle in the morning and more of a treasured time for myself.

Maybe it has been with the help of my hummingbird friends this summer....but it seems to be coming more effortlessly.

I have been giving some thought to journaling in the evening as well for some time- but honestly I am lucky to get my contacts out of my head before my eyes close. Yet, this last week I heard Sunny Kobe Cook speak about 5 things we can all do every day, whether we are successful or struggling - and one of those things was to be grateful.

This stuck with me this past week and I began wondering how grateful I really am. I mean, I say I'm grateful for many things - but do I really spend time BEING grateful.

So this morning I decided with the last 100 days 0f the year ahead I am going implement some exercises, actions and practices of gratitude - I will wrap up my day with my new "Gratitude Journal" (which is really an old casualty of a long ago attempt at journaling - it's the dark one on the right) and write the 5 things I am grateful for that day -what I have realized through my journaling struggle all these years, is that it really doesn't have to be profound.

So, to go one step further; each night I will share my 5 Things and any insight I have, here on the blog - I know it's been neglected too......once my compliance department realized I was not going to be dispensing financial advice here - they said okie dokie! Hurray! And this just seemed the perfect time to re-enter the blogging world.

I haven't worked out all the details on the being part of Grateful...but I have a pretty good feeling it will become clear in the next 100 days.

So, glad to have you along, perhaps you'll be inclined to embark on this adventure with me - looking forward to your thoughts and can't wait to see where we go together. wish for you and all who you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

suc⋅cess suh k-ses –noun

1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.

2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.

Have you ever found the definition of success to be perplexing? The favorable termination? The attainment of wealth, position or honors? No wonder so much time is spent seeking success – by definition we are looking for an “end” of something – favorable or otherwise – or that you will acquire something of perceived value to others.

Why does success have to mean termination of anything? And really, what does wealth, position or honors have to do with success? Who decides that? Can in fact, success be considered a journey, marked with significant milestones that lead us to greater feelings of fulfillment?

I have spent countless hours and significant dollars attempting to understand success. Is it a state of being? Is there a destination? Will you have achieved it when you have a certain amount of money in the bank? Is it that we see success in moments but are not willing to put a larger label on our lives personally and/or professionally to say, “I am successful.” Is it our ego that steps in to say, “Now wait a minute.”

Are you successful?

I find it interesting that while many of us would not say, “I am successful” – the perception of those around us would contradict our view of ourselves.

So think of people you know and would identify as successful. List out their characteristics; do they have significant wealth, or is it lifestyle that creates that impression of success? Is it the quality of the relationships in their life, or their overall attitude or demeanor?

I learned awhile ago there is a direct correlation between success and acceptance of yourself and gratitude for what you have. I don’t have millions of dollars in the bank; no title, no position of honor. What I do have is a terrific 15 year relationship with my husband, two wonderfully loving and supportive parents – a handful of carefully selected friends who I adore, a warm place to sleep at night and my health. Should my name never appear in lights I would define my life to this point as a success. Do I aspire for more? Definitely – but the “more” I want has nothing to do with my success it has to do with helping others find theirs. has over 790,000 books addressing success. Isn’t it time we stop searching for the Holy Grail, or looking for that “one thing” as Curly would say in the movie City Slickers?

Success isn’t on the outside; it’s on the inside and you already have it. It's time you step into your success.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

So you're a self-improvement junkie....are you making the most of your habit?

Every year nearly $10 billion dollars is spent on motivational or self improvement programs, products or services.

How much do you spend each year on self improvement products? How much of it do you implement each year? How many books do you buy that never get read and instead stack up on your night stand like a little army of guilty reminders of the work you still have ahead of you?

I myself am guilty of standing under the bright lights of the bookstore; being drawn in by the glossy covers and the promises of greater self-awareness and discovery only to bring them home lovingly stroking the dust jackets and never touching the pristine pages with my eager fingers.

So, why is that? Is it that it seems like too much work? Is it that I am afraid of the journey ahead and am not sure where to start? Am I worried that the time might not be right? Or am I just lazy? Does it make me a more interesting person to have these glorious images on my shelves?

Here is what I have learned for myself:

  1. Only by one book at a time. They really aren't going to run out of the latest best seller if you haven't completed your current read. By staying with one book until the end you are more likely to stay focused on the current message and more likley to have the takeaway you need in the moment.
  2. Look for the one thing you can take and incorporate into your life today. It is difficult to maintain focus with so many great options - it becomes tempting to try and do it all. Remember all the cliches, "Rome wasn't built in a day," "you crawled before you walked." You've got the idea.
  3. If a particular section of a book isn't resonating with you - flag it and come back. One of the first self - improvement books I ever read was Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins and I was stuck on the 3rd chapter and couldn't get past it. One afternoon I took a binder clip and just tied it up and went on to Chapter 4; gained momentum and arrived at the end of the book. I don't know if the 3rd Chapter was too close to me at the time and I didn't want to 'deal' with it - but I do know the decision to flag Chapter 3 and come back to it gave me one of the greatest reads of my life. Otherwise I could have ended up with another soldier reminding me that my giant was still sleeping.
  4. Ask other people close to you what they are reading for personal development and why they like it. This could help you find some real gems that aren't part of The New York Times best sellers list.