So a friend sent me one of 'those' emails that he never sends - and I never read - and yet there was a good reason he sent this one. (I think he's reading the blog).
It talked about the Charles Schulz (creator of Peanuts) Philosophy of life. It started by asking you to take a quiz of the 5 wealthiest people in the world, the last 5 Heisman Trophy Winners, the last 5 Miss America's, 10 Winners of the Nobel Prize (that might be a bit easier as we're hearing about it every day in the news.....or maybe it's just me because I listen to NPR all day), who won the last 5 world series (I know I have a GO
SOX! in there somewhere - however specifically can't tell you).
I'll admit I had a hard time with all these. Then it asked you to name 3 teachers who aided the journey through school (Mrs. Leach - Grant Elementary 1st Grade, Mr. Carr -
EJH Band, Mrs.
Schreck -
EHS Drama). 3 friends who helped you through a hard time (Deanna, Jocelyn and Betsy). 5 people you enjoy spending time with, people who have taught you something're getting the idea right?
So the lesson according to the email is what most of us already know but need to be reminded of from time to time - fame, fortune and the biggest trophy case does not make the most influential person in our life. Those spots are reserved for those who care the most. today I am grateful for five people who are no longer here but left lessons for me to take and use in my every day life.....
- Irma Greenfield - my grandma - mom's mom - she and my mom were the picture of friendship and love between mother and daughter in adulthood.....this was the first death I experienced in my life.
- Linda Nikolas - mother of my best friend Deanna - and the most curious adult I had ever met. She knew everyone, and introduced me to the idea that your home could be a home to everyone, and that a good belly laugh just can't be beat.....oh, and that you can't possibly know you don't like it if you can't try it.
- Steve Nikolas - father to my best friend Deanna - the only thing that comes to my mind when I think of Steve is the gentle giant - such an imposing man physically, so tall and with those dark eye brows - with a rare but rewarding smile - when I think of friendship between fellas it is the quality of the friendship he and my dad shared that makes me desire that once in a lifetime experience for all the men in my life.
- Bill Greenfield - my grandpa - mom's dad - he was the "putterer" he taught me about salesmanship, customer service and perpetual curiosity. (If you ever want a tremendous laugh ask me sometime about his philosophy regarding WD40 - or how he 'helped' my dad clean the lawn mower.
- My Auntie Ann - my mom's older sister - she and I always had a special bond and her laughter was so infectious - shortly before she died I was scheduled to leave the country on a business trip - and I knew in my heart she would not be here when I returned. I was reluctant to see her so sick and so near the end of her life, and was so afraid I would just cry when I saw her.....and you know what happened - when I went to visit her, neither of us shed a tear - we just talked for hours and laughed. And when I hugged her at the end of our visit I felt peace - and I will always be grateful for the lesson I learned that day about grace and dignity.
So while none of these folks had credentials behind their name, and had no national honors or recognitions under their belt they left an impression on me -and I know many others -that will never be forgotten.
So on those days, where you wonder 'who's paying attention to me' - know there are more than you know - and that in your own way you touch the lives of others every time you walk into a room, smile at another person, or just say hello. And that friendship, community, puttering and grace are the things that life is made of, and that's what I'd like to be remembered 'bout you? my wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.