Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 2 - I am Grateful For....

So I wonder sometimes if 'red car syndrome' happens when you set intentions? I notice more of what I have and more of what I - still pretty comfortable with identifying what I am grateful for today.
  1. My network of friends who have taught me that showing my vulnerability is a way to become stronger.
  2. Technology that allowed me to watch Tony Robbins give an amazing keynote address at a Twitter conference in LA - such gems I took away.
  3. My friend Betsy Talbot who is teaching me how being 'authentic' (the only person I know who really IS authentic) - is something you can be not just say...Betsy knows her voice.
  4. To be the kind of business owner who can address a potential customer's frustration in their dealing with 'the competition' - and have them laughing and earn the opportunity for an initial meeting.
  5. That our friend - not yet 40 is home recovering from a double masectomy and recontstructive surgery in the same procedure.....when I need strength I have always thought of you.

Tomorrow I want to spend some time talking about how we all use our journals. wish for you and all who you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

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