Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 64 - Today I am Grateful for.....

Home again home again jiggety jig!

Beautiful afternoon with family and purpose.

Today I am grateful for...
  • Bacon and eggs on a weekend morning.
  • Flexibility...and sometimes it is all about the emotion.
  • Terrific conversations with young women.
  • Family visiting from out of town.
  • A terrific way to end the day. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 63 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Ugh - I say I won't do it .... and yet every year I wake up the day after Thanksgiving with an absolute food hangover. I know I am blessed to have such a problem as there are so many who do not - but why do I not use restraint!?

Today I am grateful for.....

  • A beautiful trip back to Seattle over the mountain passes.

  • A wonderful husband who let me sleep on the way home (I never sleep in the car.)

  • Date night.

  • The health and success of a very bright and special young woman.

  • Family. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 62 - Today I am Grateful For.....

Gobble! Gobble! Happy Thanksgiving - how wonderful that my 100 Days of Gratitude runs through this wonderful holiday. I must say that other than my birthday this is my favorite holiday - it's not about things and's about family and friendship and gratitude.

Had a great morning in Wenatchee, WA where I grew up and participated in their version of a Turkey Trot called, "Turkey on the Run." I've never participated in this quite common tradition until this year, and must admit I loved it.

Today I am grateful for.....

  • The wonderful community organizers who worked to put on such a fun event to benefit such a worthy cause.

  • My health - I don't attend to you as much as I should, yet you forgive me and care for me in such a spectacular way.

  • The bills that arrive in my mailbox each month - they represent the roof over our heads, and the many blessings of our lives.

  • My mom's decision to retire at the end of this year....such an example she has been to me of work ethic.

  • The wonderful phone calls from two friends today telling me how grateful they were to know and have me in their life. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 61 - Today I am Grateful For.....

It is such a treat for me to be able to be 'adult friends' with my parents. For all the lessons they have shared with me the greatest gift I have ever received from them is their friendship. It takes work on everyones part to make sure this connection stays strong and is honored within the space of a relationship with my my parents.

Today I am grateful for.....

  • The friendship of my parents.

  • A wonderful 6....almost 7 year old boy who I love so very much.

  • Abby's Pizza (there are somethings I can't find anywhere other than home.)

  • New 'pre-Thanksgiving' traditions inspired by Pat.

  • The confidence people place in me when they need to look good. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 60 - Today I am Grateful For.....

****Technical difficulties while over the Thanksgiving holiday have posts for days 60-63 posting simultaneously****

It's the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and it is truly one of my most favorite times of the year. The smells of fall, and comforting foods and the gentle ease of all my friends as they embrace and enjoy their traditions with their families or with the families they have made as adults.

We drove to my parents house about 2 1/2 hours away today - and while it was a bit wet and dreary - it was still an easy trip with no severe weather and that will lead off my number one.

Today I am grateful for.....

  • Safe passage to visit my parents.

  • Being someone who really enjoys going home for the holidays.

  • Celebrating my dad's birthday today - what a fun way to kick off the visit.

  • A family who supports me and my dreams.

  • A friendship that will forever endure. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 59 - Today I am Grateful For.....

It is amazing how a short week can be so much fun. Today was Monday and Friday! I am so eager for Thanksgiving and family time with my mom and dad, best friend Deanna and her son Trever. Do you ever get so overloaded by everything coming at you you just need time with everyone? It's how I feel - taking a break from technology and connecting with people...what a joy!

Today I am grateful for.....
  • Cheering on a woman who has left one career and considering launching her own business.
  • The diversity of my clients.
  • Lunch!
  • Warm wonderful women who love working with me.
  • A few minutes of quiet before everyone got home! wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 58 - Today I am Grateful For.....

I read an article today about whether or not it is possible to be grateful for being grateful. I believe it is. Sometimes the exercise becomes the lesson - I know it has been for me.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • A woman who sees something in me and wishes to share her success.
  • Family plans that change.
  • Bravery.
  • Best friends.
  • A Monday that is also a Friday! wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.

Day 57 - Today I am Grateful For.....

It's been a pretty exciting week topped off by a little washing machine issue that has resulted in the handy hubby making an appearance. I know there have been times in my life where some incident like this would happen and it would almost be like the straw that broke the camel's back - this time we both went - ok, let's deal with it - did a little jockeying and went to work fixing it.

It's nice to be finding such a balance in our lives and choosing how to respond and as I have said previously - most importantly how to "be" when life tosses little gems to us.

Today I am grateful for.....
  • An opportunity to be with myself and my thoughts about the future.
  • My husband who knows when I need a break, and takes me for a car ride.
  • The confidence I see in Pat.
  • A funny greeter at Home Depot who asked me if he could help me find something when I passed him for the third time, and when I replied "My husband." He laughed - which made me laugh and said, "Aisle 12 - they're on sale."
  • The support and encouragement of amazing people in my life. wish for you and all you know is prosperity and the good fortune you deserve.